# Create Email token

# Create token

# Description

You can use this API to new api token (for Email api only).

# Endpoint

POST https://gconvertrest.sendmsg.co.il/api/Sendmsg/token

# Parameters

Paramater Info type
SiteID Account number number
Password Get from support string

# Request Example

  "siteID": 1687,
  "password": "0123456789"

# Response Example

  "Token": "34234-34234234-fsdgdfg-34r5t343f334f"


You can request the token data (like timestamp or expiry date) using this route (POST) - https://gconvertrest.sendmsg.co.il/api/sendMsg/token/?full=true

Last Updated: 7/13/2023, 2:50:32 PM